Pension Section

               The main function of this Section is determination and authorisation of Pension of all kinds. The entire process of checking and scrutiny of claim for pensionery benefits leading to final authorisation goes through the following steps.

1) Verification of the prescribe claim forms submitted by the Department concerned.

2) Checking of outstanding liabilities in respect of the pensioner/deceased Government servant.

3) Thorough check of the service books of the pensioner/deceased Government servant for the entire period of his/her service, with particular reference to the rules and regulations in respect of recruitment, entitlement of Pay, entitlement of Leave etc.

4) Ensuring the veracity of nominations and disentangling knotty legal issue pertaining to claims.

5) Fixation of Pension entitlement and determination of Pension commutation of leave and leave encashment.

6) Final authorisation of Pension and other Retirement Benefits by issuing Pension Payment Order (PPO).

7) Periodical review and re-fixation of Pension including passing-over of family pension to the next eligible family member on the death of the pensioner.

                The function of Accounts & Treasuries Department also involves Insurance cover in respect of State Government employees under MSGEGIS. For authorization of payment of insurance cover, the following processes are involved.

  1. Maintenance of the accounts of MSGEGIS and contributions of members of the scheme recieved from the Treasuries as well as Drawing and Disbursing Officers of the concerned Department.
  2. Verification of claims furnished by the concerned Department.
  3. tthorough checking of Service Book of the claimed to determined eligibility for the insurance cover.
  4. Authorization of accured amount due to the eligible claimant.


  1. Mizoram State Pensioners is 36697
  2. AIS/Central Service/Defence/Military/Burma/other State Pensioners is 1242
  3. Pension paid from CPPC, Guwahati is 4571
  4. Legislative Pensioners (MLA) is 152
  5. Parliamentary Pensioners (Dist. Council) is 49. Totally it is 42711