General Provident Fund (GPF)

This section deals with GPF cases of all subscribers. The nature of duties of this section broadly covers:

1. Maintenance of the accounts of GPF Subscribers of the State Government.

2. Booking of monthly credit and debit in individual subscriber's accounts in the broadsheet.

3. Transfer of figure in the broadsheet to the individual subscriber's ledger cards for calculating of interest.

4. Adjustment of missing credits and debits in the individual subscriber's account.

5. Transfer of the ledger figure back to the broadsheet for final closing of the accounts for the year.

6. Preparation of the individual subscriber's GPF Annual Statement and issuance of the same to the subscribers.

7.  Allotment of account number to new subscriber to the Fund. 

8. Authorization of final payment of the deceased Government servant, superannuation and other on cessation of service.

9. Determination and authorization of Deposit Linked Insurance in respect of eligible deceased Govt. employees.

10. Safe custody of GPF Nomination Papers of all Subscribers.


  1. No. of GPF Subscribers is 23690.
  2. Closing Balance of 2022 to 2023 is Rs. 4,429.72 crore.
  3. Deposit during 2022 to 2023 is Rs. 723.33 crore.
  4. Payment during 2022 to 2023 is Rs. 1,076.88 crore.
  5. Interest during 2022 to 2023 is Rs. 293.50 crore.
  6. Rate of Interest is 7.1% per annum.