- Thorough Checking of all Bills, Cheques, Personal claims etc.
- Making payments by Cheques/Draft/Bills through Agency Bank, GePG and IFMIS.
- Keeping a watch that no payments is made in excess of Budget allotment by recording progress of expenditure with reference to tthe Budget allocation/LOC.
- Conducting pre-check oof all claims and endorsement of cheques issued by cheques Drawing Authorities.
- Observance of procedure regarding indenting, safe-custody, issue and accounting of Cheques Books, Non Judicial Stamps (NJS) etc.
- Payment of Pension and other Retirement Benefits to Pensioners and Family Pensioners.
- Verification and record of Pensioners' physical appearance as required under Rules.
- Issuance of Drawl Certificate (DC)/Non Drawl Certificate (NDC) if required by Drawing & Disbursing Officers.
- Compilation & Submission of Monthly Payments and Receipts to Accountant General, Mizoram, Chief Controller of Accounts etc.
Page Links: https://dat.mizoram.gov.in/page/duty-and-function-of-district-treasuriesp
Duty & Function of District Treasuries
Department Updates
- Notification regarding Nodal Officer for Leave Management System (LAMS)
- GPF Statement 2023 to 2024 is ready to be issued
- Authority for Payment of Enhanced Dearness Allowance at 40% w.e.f 01.11.2024 (enhanced by 4% from the existing rate of 36%) to the employees of the Government of Mizoram
- Invitation for Expression of Interest (For Appointment of Fund Manager under the Mizoram Provisional Employees Savings Scheme, 2024)
- Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI)
Government of Mizoram Latest News