1. Thorough Checking of all Bills, Cheques, Personal claims etc.
  2. Making payments by Cheques/Draft/Bills through Agency Bank, GePG and IFMIS.
  3. Keeping a watch that no payments is made in excess of Budget allotment by recording progress of expenditure with reference to tthe Budget allocation/LOC.
  4. Conducting pre-check oof all claims and endorsement of cheques issued by cheques Drawing Authorities.
  5. Observance of procedure regarding indenting, safe-custody, issue and accounting of Cheques Books, Non Judicial Stamps (NJS) etc.
  6. Payment of Pension and other Retirement Benefits to Pensioners and Family Pensioners.
  7. Verification and record of Pensioners' physical appearance as required under Rules.
  8. Issuance of Drawl Certificate (DC)/Non Drawl Certificate (NDC) if required by Drawing & Disbursing Officers.
  9. Compilation & Submission of Monthly Payments and Receipts to Accountant General, Mizoram, Chief Controller of Accounts etc.