Establishment & Accounts Section

             This section deals with all administrative matters of the Directorate including Treasuries. The range of its activities covers recruitment, leave, transfer, promotion etc. in respect of Assistant Audit & Accounts Officers, Assistant Accounts Officers (Treasury), Assistant Accountant Officer (Works), Ministerial Staff, Drivers and Group 'D', purchase and maintenance of vehicles, procurement of stores & stationaries, machines & furniture, installation of  telephones/intercom, maintenance of office building, letter receipt, issue and dispatch of daks, inter-sectional transfer among the staff of Directorate Office etc. Preparation of budget, issue of LOC to Directorate, A&T, Director(LFA & Pension), office of Joint Director, Southern Zone and District Treasuries, keeping a watch and record of expenditure on the accounts of Directorate and Sub-ordinate offices, Re-appropriation of fund of different minor heads of accounts, settlement of audit objection, maintenance of record of loans & advances availed of by the Officers & Staff of the Department; drawing and disbursing of money including pay and allowances of employees including Provisional employees and casual workers etc.